Thursday, 31 July 2014

Nova Scotia Politics

To view Dr. Louise Carbert's lecture, visit: (UPDATED).


  1. Great overview re: the economy in NS. I'm wondering if you have any comments about the Canada East pipeline - is this considered to have any economic impact in NS? Is it realistic for NS to have a port that can export our oil sands resources?

  2. What are your thoughts on Bricker & Ibbitson's labelling of Atlantic Canada as the Atlantic Reality Distortion Field"? The lack of growth and unfavourable economic outlook of the province does not make the future of Nova Scotia look bright. How will this province continue to provide its residents with a high standard of living in the coming decades without increasingly depending on equalization payments, especially considering the increasing emigration of university graduates and labourers to other regions?

  3. You described the parties in Nova Scotia as all having moved towards the centre, would the lack of policy choice in the voter's booth help to explain the decline in voter turnout, or do you think there is some other factor explaining the decline?


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